What time of day should I meditate?
Where should I meditate?
How do I best USE perfect Day Every Day?
How do I know it is making a difference?
How do I know I am meditating properly?

What time of day should I meditate?

The best times to meditate REALLY are 5-7 am, noon-ish and 10-12pm. BUT whenever you can do it is better than not at all!

Where should I meditate?

Meditate in a quiet distraction free place away from interruptions. Make a special place with your meditation cushion, where you can sit quietly, a little safe haven, perhaps in your bedroom behind a closed door. BUT again wherever and whenever you can grab a few moments is fine. I often meditate on the bus to NYC or outdoors in public parks. The key is to not be startled while meditating so a minimum of loud sudden noises is ideal.

How do I best USE perfect Day Every Day?

The best way to start your Perfect Day journey is to go through the modules and the lessons in order. As you go along there might be ones you will want to repeat as they may have resonated in a special way for you. The lessons were designed to not only guide you in learning mindfulness and meditation, but also as a way to enhance your stillness time slowly introducing you to the obvious merits of the actual stillness. Go through the lessons in order and once you have completed the whole program you can then meditate on your own and use the original modules as a periodic refresher course.

How do I know it is making a difference?

You will know it is making a difference when you start to notice you have more energy. At first it is very subtle but there is a little well-spring of happiness. Your coping mechanisms are better and your sleep quality and patterns will change. You will experience a general feeling of possibility and anticipation.

How do I know I am meditating properly?

Honestly the hardest part is just stilling the mind to allow for meditation. You will know you are doing it right when for a few seconds you are no longer aware of your body you just check out but it is more an awareness of the environment than when you sleep.

Should I listen to music when I meditate?
My pets want to join in!
Is it okay to meditate during a storm?
What if I can’t get into a proper meditative state is stillness helping anyway?
I heard that meditation is helpful for stress will this help me?

Should I listen to music when I meditate?

Music or “white” noise is a great help to help focus your mind and mask unwanted sound pollution and allow you to reach true stillness. SunTime Living has several products designed specifically to support the meditative state. Resonate, Manna Positives and EarthGarden.

My pets want to join in!

Animals are so funny about meditation. They often are a total pain in their desire to participate. It is a true test of patience and fortitude to allow them to stay with you as a beginning meditator. The payoff is you will both learn together to sit in stillness and the most amazing thing is when your cat ahs a little nap in your lap during meditation. They love to share in that gorgeous stillness.

Is it okay to meditate during a storm?


There is too much energy crashing around in a storm for spirit to safely move into stillness, lightning flashes and thunder claps are just too much energy and very unsettling for spirit.

What if I can’t get into a proper meditative state is stillness helping anyway?

YES!!! No matter what just being still brings many many benefits. Keep trying every day like any other skill it takes practice, but once you get there even for just a few brief seconds you will be able to replicate the experience.

I heard that meditation is helpful for stress will this help me?

YES there have been multiple studies done about the benefits of meditation and stress reduction is often cited as being very beneficial as well as supporting a general feeling of wellbeing.

Is it better to meditate alone?
I can’t find a distraction free place anywhere that is quiet enough
What equipment do I need to meditate?
What else can I do to support my Meditation practices?
Is private instruction available?

Is it better to meditate alone?

Yes and No… Meditating with a partner you love is the most amazing experience of intimacy and loving and can be a prelude to better sex and more sensual life awareness, and a good way to clean up conflict and forge a beautiful relationship. BUT, if you are asking a “Doubting Thomas” to meditate with you, it can feel challenging and unsafe. This is a special rare privilege this is not something to be taken lightly. You are sharing something very precious and intimate. Choose your partners wisely.

Meditating with children like pets can be the ultimate challenge, BUT if you can withstand the onslaught and fidgeting you may foster the creation of a wonderful skill set and a valuable pillar for their life development. Not to mention the joy of sharing the common experience which over time develops a mutual respect for you and your stillness practices.

I can’t find a distraction free place anywhere that is quiet enough

YES YOU CAN! You can meditate anywhere any time. Most parents get up 15 minutes earlier than their kids to get the first meditation in and stay up after they have gone to bed to get the second one in. Even with a very busy life the private space can created around the sleeping patterns of the other inhabitants of the house.

What equipment do I need to meditate?

YOU and your dedication, discipline and devotion. Plus a pillow/pillows to block hips and knees. If you need sound privacy ear phones and your downloads of the Perfect Day Every Day meditations or SunTime living meditation music and soundtracks. The point is to create a sensory haven and to be comfy and draft free. So you may want to include a shawl or throw blanket.

What else can I do to support my Meditation practices?

Eat a whole foods diet as much as possible drink filtered pure water and limit alcohol.

Is private instruction available?

Yes; You may schedule a skype session with Glenys by using the appointments form on the website.